2024 Calendar

2024 CARRIER DECK MEETING CALENDAR v5.0 – as at 16th June 2024
NOTE: Events in RED text are to be confirmed, RED + Scored-through are Cancelled!
13-14 April SAM35  Spring Gala BCD, Class 1 Postal
BMFA Centre Buckminster – BCD, Class 1, many other C/L events too: CD Andy Housden 020 8541 0186/07551 924220.
04-05 May
 BCD  (and mini speed) Ypenburg (NL) Location: www.scoutingvwp.nl/info/locatie 
Information and registration – email: p.rietbergen@ziggo.nl
11-12 May Manchester Carrier Weekend BCD, Class 1 Postal Barton MFC BASH at Barton Airfield M30 7RL, off A57, 1m southwest of M60 J11, near Manchester. CD Andy Housden 020 8541 0186/07551 924220.
18-19 May Old Warden Carrier Deck Weekend Workshop  BCD, Class 1 Postal ModelAir Scale Weekend, Old Warden Airfield SG18 9EP, 3m west of Biggleswade, Bedfordshire. CD Andy Housden 020 8541 0186 CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD PDF FOR MANDATORY NEW ACCESS ROUTE INTO OLD WARDEN!
07-09 June
Hammerbach Germany  
15-16 June
(F2B, F2B-C, F2B-B, F4C-SC,MiniTeamRace, Mouse-race, Limes, Indy, fun fly)
Schwalmtal (GER) Please use the link below for registration and information:
info:  www.lsv-brueggen.de/
14-16 June SAM 35 Retrofest – NOTE! THIS IS a THREE-DAY EVENT!

BCD, Class 1 Postal


BMFA National Centre at Buckminster Lodge, near Sewstern, NG33 5RW; 10m south of Grantham, Lincs. CD Andy Housden 0208 541 0186/07551 924220 
20-23 June New event ‘BMFA Festival of Flight and Carrier contest’ 20-21 June will be ‘free hands-on C/L and Carrier flight training with models and instructors provided’ plus a parallel BCD and Class 1 Postal contest at the same time;
22-23 June as a BCD and Class 1 Postal contest only
BMFA Centre Buckminster – BCD, Class 1, many other C/L events too: CD Andy Housden 020 8541 0186/07551 924220.
29-30 June

Autotron Rosmalen Netherlands 


For Details – CLICK Here!
05-07 July BCD Herenthals Belgium Details: CLICK HERE!
11-14 July All FAI Classes and BCD Landres France Details – Click Here!
27-28 July Old Warden Carrier Deck Weekend Workshop   BCD, Class 1 Postal ModelAir Weekend, Old Warden Airfield SG18 9EP, 3m west of Biggleswade, Bedfordshire. CD Andy Housden 020 8541 0186/07551 924220  CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD PDF FOR MANDATORY NEW ACCESS ROUTE INTO OLD WARDEN!
18th Aug Bilston MAC Carrier Meeting BCD

Hosted by Greenacres MFC on old Aldridge airfield near Walsall, north edge of Birmingham. M6 J10 if approaching from north or M6 J7 if coming from east, south or west.  Entrance via Aldridge Lodge Farm WS9 0QQ; OS grid ref. SP/051996 (Landranger Sheet No.139). Follow farm road until Carrier site visible – free parking next to circle; tents/caravans for small club donation. Deck erected on Saturday – may be flying opportunities later on Sat. I.c. operating restricted to 1000-1800 on weekends; might also be electric power restriction.

CD is John Marsh 01902 568006 – john-marsh6@sky.com

30th August- 1st Sept BMFA NATIONAL CARRIER CHAMPIONSHIPS BCD, Class 1 BMFA Buckminster CD Andy Housden 020 8541 0186/07551 924220.
14 – 15 Sept  Yorkshire Carrier Deck Weekend Workshop BCD, training, other C/L classes Pontefract Racecourse WF8 4QD, gate on A639 (Park Rd), ½m south of M62 J32, Yorks. CD David Cowburn 01482 565847 (home), 07599 769941 (mobile). Courtesy of PANDAS club, free camping, caravan and motorhome pitches next to flying circles. Portaloo present, but no water or other utilities. Nearby supermarket & fast-food outlets. Gate locked? David has key and will respond to a mobile phone call!
14-15 Sept
Hanau, Ronneburg

Please use the link below for registration and information:

For Details – CLICK HERE!

28 Sept BCD & Fun Fly Almere (NL)

Please use the link below for registration and information:

For Details: CLICK HERE!

TBA TBA Hammerbach Germany TBA
12-13 Oct  Carrier flying BCD, Class 1 Postal SAM35 Autumn Gala BMFA National Centre at Buckminster; Contact is Andy Housden 0208 541 0186/07551 924220.