Here’s a first for Carrier flying! After some heroic work by Chris Howell and others to locate and refurbish a redundant deck then move it to its new home at Buckminster (the BMFA’s National Flying Site), it was used during the SAM35 Octoberfest at Buckminster for the first time. Chris Howell sent me this report:
“Hi Mike! The inagural Buckminster carrier competition got off to a slow and rather damp start, with the site being waterlogged in some areas, in particular affecting the location that Manny (site manager at Buckminster) was originally going to place us on. However, with a new site chosen and some remedial work using the BMFA’s in-house mower we got under way with eight entries over the two days. Saturday had the best of the weather with all the high scoring done then, while Sunday was colder and much windier with an even later start due to the cars attending the Sunday swapmeet being parked directiy next to the flight circle, as they could not use the water logged car park. However, despite these teething problems, Buckminster is an excelent site and we should look forward to more competitions there next year!” That information poster is very good too – well done guys!
Here are the results:
Basic 1. Nigel Frith 2. Ian Gilbert 3. Chris Howell 4. Gary Church 5. Mike Welch 6. Andy Housden 7. David Cowburn
Class 1 1. Chris Howell 2. Nigel Crabtree 3. Gary Church